The world has all this debt but
what is it, it is nothing more than little bit of computer code held by the
central banks. Why not just get rid of
it all, start a fresh, make everyone debt free, and then ban debt
altogether. Debt only serves to control
to 99% who have debt, and makes the ones that hold all the debt very rich. They are getting rich off other peoples
misery. They would sooner destroy a
house, and, or, let it stand vacant than allow someone to live in it, because they
cannot pay their debt. What a sick
society we live in.
It is the same with illness, a
wealthy company would sooner let you die than allow you to have lifesaving
treatment because you did not pay your premium because you were in
debt. So they killed you. Do they care, not one bit, as long as the shareholders
and the CEO’s, CFO’s, VP’s and other higher ups get their share so what if a
couple of hundred thousand people die.
The sickness that rules this world
is turning the world back to the extremes of the 30’s, all they are waiting for
is a new Hitler. In fact the way things
are going they don’t even need a new one of that evil beast, we are all doing a
great job helping the rich get richer the debt ridden get poorer and in more
debt. Just look at what happened in the recent European elections.
God help us all when someone with
the skills of a Hitler or Stalin and their sociopathic nature, but with charisma,
charm and a unwavering desire, to destroy this appalling world we live in.
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