I hope I am wrong, but the way the world is heading war with China seems inevitable. I am not going to state the reasons why, as they are obvious to anyone who is paying attention to world affairs.
However, I am going to pick a significant reason, sanctions against China and it's lack of understanding of how to make next-generation microchips.
China is unable to make microchips used in today's technology. China is at the very least ten years behind, mainly because stealing other countries ideas or patents and blatantly trying to copy them, does not make their ingenuity evolve.
They have to steal ideas continually to keep up and now the other countries of the world of sick of it. Banning the sale of next-gen microchips will hit China hard, and they do not have the intellectual property to create microchips, themselves.
Two countries near China, have this ability, Taiwan, and Japan. When their current stockpile of microchips run out and let's be clear, the countries making chips will have in all likelihood advance further in the technology. What does China do, they will invade Taiwan.
What happens after the invasion will decide the future of the world for years to come. Due to how Europe handled Hitler and their willingness to appease in the hope Hitler would not start a war failed considerably, and 50-100 million people lost their lives.
I believe this is the fate we find now with China.
China has the misguided idea that it is now the most powerful country in the world, and perhaps a year ago, this might have been true. Nevertheless, their game of obfuscation and their attempt to inveigle the western powers by giving them piles of cash. The plan was working until COVID-19, and then the world started to wake up to China's true intentions. They do many things that are similar to the Nazi's. Both China and the Nazi's want /wanted, other countries land, claiming it is theirs by right. They both subjugate specific minority races or creeds as well as control their population with fear and intimidation. Only now it is a much easier task with information technology.
Most countries are concentrating on their problems, needless lockdowns to control the population, violence increasing on the streets, in some parts of America and Europe. What will the western powers as well as the new Eastern powers, do to stop a war with China, and what will they do if or when China invades Taiwan?
China is picking a fight with every nation that surrounds them that to normal libertarian people, this seems preposterous. Why exacerbate and create tension with India over borders in the Himalayas? Why pick a fight with Russia over Vladivostok? Both are nuclear powers, and both have massive armies as well as tech that is better than Chinese tech, especially when it comes to weapons. All the countries surrounding China know war is coming, Taiwan is getting US weapons, Japan has for the first time since the second world war started building war machines for land and sea. South Korea is also now a builder of war machines, weapons and technology. South Korea and Japan are two of the most technologically innovative countries in the world. What is Xi Jinping's goal? What does he think he is going to gain from all this aggression? I'm not a megalomaniac, sociopathic leader who thinks he is better than everyone else, so I do not understand his motives. However, if we look at Hitler or Stalin's motives, we might get clues. Hitler was a racist, and he lived with denial about why Germany lost the First World War for most of his life. He believed Germans or Aryans, and their closest racial types Anglo-Saxon's were superior to everyone else. Hitler convinced himself, the Jews were responsible for everything terrible that was happening to his country. Stalin was a different type of tyrant; he was paranoid, sceptical and devious. In my opinion, Stalin was worse than Hitler; however, both are the two worse leaders in the last 200 years. Stalin knew he had to hold off Hitler for as long as possible to build up his forces, but years before he had murdered most of the upper ranks of his army. The purge murdered millions of Russians, and some say up to 25 million people died, and many more sent to gulags.
The two leaders were responsible for between 80 and 100 million deaths.
Which type of megalomaniac sociopath is Xi Jinping, presently he seems a mixture of both, which is alarming to think of in today's climate. He is paranoid about losing power like Stalin, and he is responsible for concentration camps like Hitler, and gulags (Russian meaning for forced labour camps) like Stalin. He coverts other countries possessions and land, like both Stalin and Hitler. I suppose now I think about it, they are all alike, but the weapons of today are vastly more dangerous than in 1939.
Another factor to think about is the Chinese people, and I feel considerable empathy for anyone living under an oppressive regime. It is appalling in this day that anyone in the world has to live like that.
I hope China will see their fight is futile and change their ways; nonetheless, I do not believe this will happen.
We are a fickle species, and we never learn from our past we always end up making the same mistakes over and over again.
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