Wednesday 13 February 2013

Extremely Bright Supernovae

I read this morning that scientists have found extremely bright supernovae that defy the Chandrasekhar limit.  They use the Chandrasekhar limit for type 1a supernovae, as standard candles across the universe.  It is one of the major indicators of the universe expanding and this new evidence in my opinion shows the limitations of our knowledge of the universe.  I have mentioned many times that we know less than a quark of knowledge on the great canvas of the universe and this news about supernovae if proven correct are a good example.  Since the discovery of type 1a supernovae and the evidenced based assumption that they are all roughly the same in mass, Chandrasekhar calculated that type 1a supernovae could only be 1.44 solar masses, and since then every type 1a supernovae has followed this assumption.  Think about it, we have less than a hundred years of data regarding supernovae, about a universe, at least our known universe of 14 billion years.  That is like saying water vapour falls as snow all year around because it did so for the last five seconds.

Yes, we can only go by the evidence we have in front of us at the time, but unfortunately on a universal scale, it is negligible and we put a great amount of faith in our negligible evidence.  I do not say we should stop making assumptions about the universe, but we should be careful when we claim it must be right.

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